Sebastian’s gender reveal party

Cheo Gonzalez Sebatian’s Gender Reveal Party Cheo Gonzalez, 2024, Billboard’s backside, 100 x 150cm, Cookhouse Gallery, London. Sebastian’s Gender Reveal Party Cheo Gonzalez, 2024, Billboard’s backside, glue, arrows, paint and golden leaf, 100 x 150cm, Cookhouse Gallery, London. Sebastian’s Gender Reveal Party (detail) Cheo Gonzalez, 2024,  billboard’s backside, glue, arrows, paint and golden leaf, 100 […]

Ghost signs

Cheo Gonzalez The Holy Map Cheo Gonzalez, 2024, Billboard’s backside, 100 x 150cm. Holy Gost Signs Cheo Gonzalez, 2024, Weatherbys Private Bank, London. Lord’s Law 05 Cheo Gonzalez, 2024, Billboard’s backside. 45 x 70 cm (framed). Lord’s Law 07 Cheo Gonzalez, 2024. Billboard’s backside. 45 x 70 cm (framed). Next to the Dead Sea. Cheo […]

Body of Christ

home bio works contact Instagram Envelope cheo gonzalez Body of Christ Reactions to the image of Jesus ‘Body of Christ’ was a participatory installation exhibited at Cookhouse Gallery in November 2023 in London. In a white room, a plastered crucifix was displayed, accompanied by a container of red paint and brushes on the floor, along […]


Cheo Gonzalez Trinity Cheo Gonzalez, 2023, paper, ink, acrylic, markers, pastel, pencil, charcoal, gold powder. The Father, Cheo Gonzalez, 2023,paper, ink, acrylic, markers, pastel, pencil, charcoal, gold powder. The Son, Cheo Gonzalez, 2023,paper, ink, acrylic, markers, pastel, pencil, charcoal, gold powder. The Holy Spirit, Cheo Gonzalez, 2023,paper, ink, acrylic, markers, pastel, pencil, charcoal, gold powder. […]


Cheo Gonzalez Martyrdom Cheo Gonzalez, (1993-2023), analog and digital photos, London. Cheo Gonzalez, 2023, analog and digital photos, Cookhouse Gallery, London. Above: The Massacre of the Innocents, Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem, 1590, and untitled photo, Cheo Gonzalez, 2016. Left: Cristo flagelado recogiendo su túnica, Francisco de Zurbarán, 1661, and untitled photo by Cheo Gonzalez, 2017. […]


home bio works contact Instagram Envelope PASSION Cheo Gonzalez Passion in the streets “Passion” was a participatory installation initially showcased in the streets and later at Cookhouse Gallery in November 2013 in London. It involved a series of images of Jesus imprinted on paper, affixed to the street for anonymous public intervention. These images were […]


home bio works contact Instagram Envelope cheo gonzalez CATHEDRAL Gay Porn as Christian Propaganda “Cathedral” is a collection of six visual projects: Passions, Martyrdom, Confessionals, Religious Ecstasy, The Body of Christ and Bible, that examine the age-old relationship between eroticism and religious propaganda by comparing traditional Christian art with contemporary images. Like in a cathedral, these elements […]

1000 Meters

home bio works contact Instagram Envelope cheo gonzalez 1000 METERS When life suddenly locks you up. The title “Mil Metros” was derived from the maximum distance that the artist walked every week, which was from his house to the supermarket, during the first year of quarantine. “Queerentena” was a collective exhibition held by Google’s Arts […]

100 Portraits

home bio works contact Instagram Envelope cheo gonzalez 100 PORTRAITS A dialogue with the street. In this combination of works, Cheo Gonzalez shows how through portraiture, an intimate conversation directed towards self-knowledge can be facilitated, as well as an external dialogue with an anonymous group that represents the collective spirit of undefined but existing groups. […]

Dark Brazil

home bio works contact Instagram Envelope cheo gonzalez DARK BRASIL A series of 12 paintings that were originally displayed as prints on the walls of Brasília between 2014 and 2015 during the unstable political scenario that would later lead to the 2016 coup d’état in Brazil. Brazil in black and white What happens when a […]